Challenge Program

Mission Statement

To provide a safe, enjoyable soccer experience with a primary focus on player development.

The Challenge Program is an advanced recreation league, composed of players selected through a player placement process. Challenge serves eager and talented players in local programming through an appropriately competitive and challenging league environment. Players train with and play against like-minded players.  Teams are formed with two primary criteria:

1 – Balancing talent across all teams in an age group or division
2 – Basing teams geographically within the Charlottesville-Albemarle area when possible.

Challenge participation requires a substantial commitment from both the player and family. The program also requires high standards of behavior by all participants.

  • Program Specifics
  • Challenge Behavior Guidelines
  • Player Placement Process
  • Annual Calendar
  • White and Blue Divisions
  • Registration & Fees
  • Jamboree Program
  • Challenge All-Stars
  • FAQ's
  • Program Specifics
  • Challenge Behavior Guidelines
  • Player Placement Process
  • Annual Calendar
  • White and Blue Divisions
  • Registration & Fees
  • Jamboree Program
  • Challenge All-Stars
  • FAQ's

Program Specifics

  • The Challenge program is intended for those players seeking a more competitive environment than Recreational soccer and increased player development opportunity. Players train with and play against like-minded players, within the confines of Charlottesville-Albemarle.
  • Participation is through a player placement process only. Players are selected to a pool and placed on teams considering their residence location, school attended, and ability. No special requests are considered, no exceptions.
  • Teams are offered at U15, U12, and U10; boys and girls divisions.
  • A league is formed with a minimum of four teams at each age group.
  • League play of 10 games in each of the fall and spring seasons.  All matches are local but some divisions may feature teams from the Augusta region and require limited regional travel.
  • Training twice per week. Some travel should be expected.
  • Participation in one, outdoor, travel (out-of-town) tournament per soccer year is included.  Typically the tournament takes place on the Memorial Day weekend, or another early-June weekend at the end of the spring season.
  • Players commit for a full year. Full participation in team events is expected.  Coaches have discretion to manage team attendance for the benefit of all team members.

Challenge Behavior Guidelines

  • Fulfill your obligations to your team.  Participate as fully as possible in all team functions.
  • Be responsible.
  • Be prepared for all training, matches, and tournaments.
  • Treat your coach and teammates with respect and dignity.
  • Treat your opponent, the opposing coaches, match officials and spectators with respect and dignity.
  • Do not interfere with coaching decisions.  Discuss issues with coaches at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner.
  • Review and support the club’s Mission, Vision and  Values.
  • Abide by all team and club policies.

Player Placement Process

Participation in Challenge is through a player placement process only.  There are three player placement opportunities during the course of the soccer year.

The Annual or Open player placements take place in late April and May of each year.  Players are selected and placed on teams for the coming fall and spring seasons.  At this time all roster positions are open and all teams are being formed anew for the coming year.  All interested candidates are welcome.  Typically, a single roster spot is left open on each team, to be filled at the Late player placements.

The Late player placement is conducted in early August each year. At this player placement, all open roster spots are filled prior to the start of the fall season.  The Late player placementis open to all interested candidates.

The Mid-year Infill player placement process is conducted in February of each year.  The purpose of this player placement is to fill any vacancies which may occur prior to the start of the spring season.  Spaces are typically very limited.  The player placement is open to all interested candidates.

For more information, please see the full description on the player placements page.

Annual Calendar

  • Fall practices begin at the end of August.  2024: week of August 26th
  • Fall matches are scheduled to begin Sept. 14th
  • Fall matches conclude in early November.  2024: Nov. 16th.
  • A rain-out make-up week is scheduled the week following the proposed last game.  2024: Nov. 23.



  • Spring practices begin in February.  2025: week of February 17th.
  • Spring matches are scheduled to begin in early March. 2025: March 1.
  • Spring matches conclude in May.  2025: May 10.
  • A rain-out make-up week is scheduled for the next available week following the proposed last game.  2025: May 17 & 18.
  • Sunburn Tournament Weekend 2025: May 31 & June 1. 

White and Blue Divisions

In some age groups the number of qualified candidates may be large enough to dictate multiple divisions be formed within a singular age group (ie U10 Boys).  In those cases, teams will be subdivided into a Blue and White Division.  The Blue division will technically be the higher division and will feature the players evaluated at the top of the program.

Grouping players by peer ability is a foundational developmental principle of the Challenge program.  Forming these divisions allows the program to better apply that principal and provide an appropriate competitive environment for all players to succeed and grow in confidence and ability.

Team game schedules will feature match-ups solely within each division.  However the SOCA staff reserves the right to schedule some cross divisional play when deemed appropriate.  All Challenge program features and policies will apply the same to both divisions.

Registration & Fees

There are no refunds of Challenge registration fees after the registration deadline, a player’s registration is a commitment to participating in the upcoming season of play.

As a convenience to our families, annual program fees have been divided into two payments for the Challenge program, one due before the Fall season and the other before the spring season. Players however, are expected to participate with their teams for the full-year. Participants are welcome to make both payments at the time of the Fall registration.

Once registration has been completed, all players are expected to reasonably participate in all Challenge program activities. There are no refunds after the registration deadline. Payments can be made on-line via personal SOCA accounts, or at the SOCA office.

2024-25 Fees

  • Fall Fees: $289.  due June 7, 2024
  • Spring Fees: $239  Registration Deadline: January 10, 2025
  • Spring-only fee: $289, only for players selected at the Mid-Year Infill player placement participating in the spring season only.

Fees include: registration costs, Capelli uniform kit, coach background checks and safety training, coach education, SOCA staff management, tournament entrance fees, league fees, club overhead expenses, equipment, field rentals, referee fees, State association fees and other operational costs.

Jamboree Program

SOCA operates a Jamboree program at the U10 age group for both boys and girls.  The program identifies high achievers in this age group and attempts to provide them with extra training sessions with other players of their ability level.  The program consists of eight training sessions with SOCA staff coaches during the fall and spring seasons. Additionally SOCA will arrange matches for the Jamboree teams against other clubs, typically one set of matches in each of the fall and spring seasons.

The program is free and participation is by invitation only.  Players are selected at the Annual or open player placements.  Additional players may be invited into the program during the course of the fall or spring season.  Players are directly notified by SOCA if they are invited to participate in the program and announcements will not be made on a program wide basis.

Jamboree players must participate as fully as possible with their individual Challenge team, and are expected to supplement their Challenge play with Jamboree activities.

Challenge All-Stars

SOCA operates the Challenge All Star program at the U12 and U15 age groups for both boys and girls. The program takes place during the spring season and includes training with the SOCA staff prior to a set of matches against SOCA Travel teams in the corresponding age groups.  The program traditionally consists of 2 training sessions prior to the friendly matches which take place in mid-April each year.

Selection to the All Stars is done by the Challenge program coordinator using evaluations provided by team coaches as well as match observations.  Selection into the program does not imply future selection into other SOCA programming.
The purpose of the Challenge All Star program is threefold.

  1. Selection to the All Stars is recognition of player talents and attributes; it is a reward for hard work.
  2. Competing against the Travel teams allows Challenge players the opportunity to play an exciting, challenging match while measuring themselves against similarly enthusiastic age group peers.
  3. The events allow the SOCA staff to further observe players in action. Allowing the staff to become better acquainted with our player pool in each age group.

Participation is voluntary and participation is free. However, players must be registered for the Spring Challenge season in order to be eligible for All-Star selection. All-star players participate fully with their Challenge team and supplement their Challenge play with the All-star activities.



Uniform costs are included in your fees.  Your coach and/or team manager will distribute complete uniform sets, provided by SOCA, prior to the start of the fall season.  These uniforms are for the entire year of play, Fall and Spring seasons.  Uniforms include Capelli jersey, shorts and socks.  Players added at the late or infill player placements will pick-up their uniform from the SOCA office.

U15 Players and High School Play

For U15 Challenge players who expect to participate in high school sports or activities; please contact your Challenge and school coaches to let them know of your plans and potential conflicts.  You may successfully participate in both Challenge and high school activities by coordinating with your coaches.

Changing Team Assignments

Teams are built to maintain the developmental goals of the program.  Once teams are formed, players cannot be administratively moved to different teams.  If a player’s team assignment will prevent them from being able to participate in the program, they should not register for their team and are encouraged to come to the next player placements for the program so they can be offered another appropriate placement within the program.  No Special Requests for Team Placement are Considered.