*** As of April 21, the current tryout plan is as shown below. This is based on June 10 return to play and is subject to change. Tryouts will be held at a location TBD as we get closer to the date. ***
Monday, June 22
5:00 pm U16-U19 Boys
7:00 pm U16-U19 Girls
Tuesday, June 23
5:00 pm U10 Boys and Girls Challenge; U11 Boys and Girls Travel
7:00 pm U12 Boys and Girls Travel & Challenge; U13, U14 Boys and Girls Travel & U15 Boys and Girls Challenge
Wednesday, June 24
5:00 pm U16-U19 Boys
7:00 pm U16-U19 Girls
Thursday, June 25
5:00 pm U10 Boys and Girls Challenge; U11 Boys and Girls Travel
7:00 pm U12 Boys and Girls Travel & Challenge; U13, U14 Boys and Girls Travel & U15 Boys and Girls Challenge
Friday, June 26
5:00 pm Reserved Rain-out Make-up date
7:00 pm Reserved Rain-out Make-up date