Annual Placement Process

Annual Player Placements

Players are expected to pre-register for Annual player placements via their online SOCA account. Please contact [email protected] if you require registration assistance.

SOCA Annual Player Placements are conducted each spring (April and May) for the following fall and spring Travel and Challenge seasons.

SOCA Annual Player Placements are open to any interested player of the appropriate age and gender. Performance, attendance and attitude from previous soccer seasons will be considered. When possible, different select programs within the same age group will hold player placement sessions at the same time and facility to help facilitate the team placement process (Example: U12 Boys Travel & U12 Boys Challenge will player placement simultaneously).

Follow the link below for the Annual SOCA player placement Schedule.  Please note that each age group has TWO player placement dates.   All players are strongly encouraged to attend both player placements, if possible!  To be considered for placement on a team all candidates must attend at least one player placement.

Annual Player Placement Schedule
  • Player Placement Registration

    All players should pre-register online for Annual player placements via their family SOCA account. On-site registrations will be accepted for new arrivals only if necessary.

    Please pre-register only for the highest level of program in which you are interested in participating (Travel player placements vs Challenge player placements).  Please do not register for more than one player placement in your age group if possible.  Players will be considered for placement in both the Travel or Challenge program if they participate in the Travel player placement.  Players will not be considered for placement in the Travel program if they participate in the Challenge player placement.

    Placement on different level teams within the Travel program is done at the discretion of SOCA coaching and technical staff only.  Players are placed on the highest level of team they qualify for based on playing ability.  Other family considerations should be submitted directly to appropriate SOCA Coaching Directors for their consideration.

  • 2025-2026 Eligible Age Groups

    2025-2026 Birth Year Age Groups
    U9 – 2017        *Challenge Only
    U10 – 2016      *Challenge Only
    U11 – 2015
    U12 – 2014
    U13 – 2013
    U14 – 2012
    U15 – 2011
    U16 – 2010
    U17 – 2009
    U18 – 2008
    U19 – 2007

  • Player Placements Announcements

    Annual player placement selections/announcements will be posted via your family’s SOCA account. player placement results will not be emailed directly to each family. Email notifications will prompt you to review your selection and placement in your personal account on the SOCA website. Within your personal account’s home page, selection will be shown by a specific team placement listed next to the player’s name at the top of the “Available Programs” list or the delineation “Not Selected” will appear. Your SOCA account can only be viewed by utilizing your private username and password.

    If selected for a program you must register for that program in order to accept your position.  Please submit payment through your online account to ensure your position on the team. Players seeking financial assistance need to contact the SOCA office, establish a plan and make an initial payment by the registration deadline to be considered registered in good standing for the fall season.

    Those players that do not register for their selected team by the registration deadline are in danger of forfeiting their position on the team.  Replacement or alternate selections may be contacted to fill your position at that time.

  • Team Formation

    It is the intent of SOCA to form at least one travel team in each of the eligible age groups (U11-U19) for boys and girls.  Additional travel teams will be determined by the quantity and quality of interested candidates in each age group.  The Challenge program seeks to form teams in the U10, U12, and U15 age groups for boys and girls.  The number of these teams will be determined by the number of qualified candidates.  Players who are not selected are encouraged to continue participating in the Recreational program.

    SOCA Elite travel teams represent the highest level of play in the SOCA Travel program.  SOCA Elite teams (U13 through U19) participate in the ECNL Regional league.  SOCA Blue teams at U11 and U12 also participate in the ECNL Regional league.  U13-U19 Blue teams as well as all White, Red or Gold teams participate in the NPL West league.

    ***Note – Most teams will have coaches assigned at the time of player placements.  Some teams will not have coaches at that time. Coaches will be assigned later in the spring/summer. In limited cases teams will be announced without a coach at the conclusion of player placementsand SOCA will utilize the summer to find the most qualified and suitable coach prior to the start of the season in August.

  • Player Placements Reschedules

    In case of inclement weather please check the SOCA website for cancellation and reschedule information.

    player placements will be rescheduled on a case-by-case basis to available dates and the new schedule will be posted online. Make-up player placements are only done on a program-wide basis and individual player placements will not be arranged.

  • Player Placement Registration
  • 2025-2026 Eligible Age Groups
  • Player Placements Announcements
  • Team Formation
  • Player Placements Reschedules

Player Placement Registration

All players should pre-register online for Annual player placements via their family SOCA account. On-site registrations will be accepted for new arrivals only if necessary.

Please pre-register only for the highest level of program in which you are interested in participating (Travel player placements vs Challenge player placements).  Please do not register for more than one player placement in your age group if possible.  Players will be considered for placement in both the Travel or Challenge program if they participate in the Travel player placement.  Players will not be considered for placement in the Travel program if they participate in the Challenge player placement.

Placement on different level teams within the Travel program is done at the discretion of SOCA coaching and technical staff only.  Players are placed on the highest level of team they qualify for based on playing ability.  Other family considerations should be submitted directly to appropriate SOCA Coaching Directors for their consideration.

2025-2026 Eligible Age Groups

2025-2026 Birth Year Age Groups
U9 – 2017        *Challenge Only
U10 – 2016      *Challenge Only
U11 – 2015
U12 – 2014
U13 – 2013
U14 – 2012
U15 – 2011
U16 – 2010
U17 – 2009
U18 – 2008
U19 – 2007

Player Placements Announcements

Annual player placement selections/announcements will be posted via your family’s SOCA account. player placement results will not be emailed directly to each family. Email notifications will prompt you to review your selection and placement in your personal account on the SOCA website. Within your personal account’s home page, selection will be shown by a specific team placement listed next to the player’s name at the top of the “Available Programs” list or the delineation “Not Selected” will appear. Your SOCA account can only be viewed by utilizing your private username and password.

If selected for a program you must register for that program in order to accept your position.  Please submit payment through your online account to ensure your position on the team. Players seeking financial assistance need to contact the SOCA office, establish a plan and make an initial payment by the registration deadline to be considered registered in good standing for the fall season.

Those players that do not register for their selected team by the registration deadline are in danger of forfeiting their position on the team.  Replacement or alternate selections may be contacted to fill your position at that time.

Team Formation

It is the intent of SOCA to form at least one travel team in each of the eligible age groups (U11-U19) for boys and girls.  Additional travel teams will be determined by the quantity and quality of interested candidates in each age group.  The Challenge program seeks to form teams in the U10, U12, and U15 age groups for boys and girls.  The number of these teams will be determined by the number of qualified candidates.  Players who are not selected are encouraged to continue participating in the Recreational program.

SOCA Elite travel teams represent the highest level of play in the SOCA Travel program.  SOCA Elite teams (U13 through U19) participate in the ECNL Regional league.  SOCA Blue teams at U11 and U12 also participate in the ECNL Regional league.  U13-U19 Blue teams as well as all White, Red or Gold teams participate in the NPL West league.

***Note – Most teams will have coaches assigned at the time of player placements.  Some teams will not have coaches at that time. Coaches will be assigned later in the spring/summer. In limited cases teams will be announced without a coach at the conclusion of player placementsand SOCA will utilize the summer to find the most qualified and suitable coach prior to the start of the season in August.

Player Placements Reschedules

In case of inclement weather please check the SOCA website for cancellation and reschedule information.

player placements will be rescheduled on a case-by-case basis to available dates and the new schedule will be posted online. Make-up player placements are only done on a program-wide basis and individual player placements will not be arranged.